This chapter is devoted to the investigation of infinite sequences. We will be particularly concerned how to prove the convergence (or divergence) of a sequence and to calculate its limit.
A numerical sequence is an ordered (or, in other words, enumerated) collection of numbers. There is no restriction for these numbers: they can be different or appear multiple times. An infinite sequence has infinitely many elements, denoted usually by a n, starting from the first one, i.e., a 1.
A subsequence of a certain sequence is created by omitting some of its terms without changing the ordering of the remaining ones. For instance b n = a 2n denotes the subsequence created by deleting all odd-numbered terms of the sequence a n.
The sequence can be specified by an explicit formula for a n, which can be treated as a function a(n), whose domain is the set of natural numbers $\mathbb N$, or by recursion. In this latter case, one has to fix the value of the first element a 1 and provide the dependence a n+1 = f(a n). The more complicated dependence, for instance a n+2 = f(a n+1, a n), requires fixing two first elements, a 1 and a 2, etc.
limn→∞a n ±limn→∞b n =limn→∞(a n ± b n),
(limn→∞a n) ⋅ (limn→∞b n) =limn→∞(a n ⋅ b n),
(limn→∞a n)∕(limn→∞b n) =limn→∞(a n∕b n), if limn→∞b n ≠ 0,
First one should have to look at both the diverging terms in a n to assess whether their degrees of divergence are identical. A chance (but not certainty) for the finite limit exists only when leading terms behave identically for n →∞, since this allows for the cancellation of troublesome expressions.
If these terms actually behave in the same way, one should, with the use of appropriate transformations, bring about their real deletion. Then, most often, the limit will no longer be of the type ∞–∞ because—one can say—the infinities “subtracted” from each other.
At the end, one finds the limit of simplified expression.
A similar procedure, still involving the separation of leading terms, will be met again in the calculation of limits in Problem 4 of the current section and Problem 1 in Sect. 5.5, and now we shall pursue it for a n defined by (5.1.1).
Let us look at the first term. Under the fourth root the polynomial n 4 + 2n 3 is found. For very large n the leading term is n 4, so one can expect that $\sqrt [4]{n^4+n^3}\simeq \sqrt [4]{n^4}=n$. The behavior of the second term is similar. One can, therefore, hope for cancellation of both divergent expressions and for the finite limit of a n.
One should be aware that the above reasoning is not strict and does not prejudge the existence of the limit. Even if leading terms do cancel, this limit still may not exist. Equally true, it may exist and be finite or even be equal to zero. Examples of such different behaviors for apparently similar sequences will be given below. Despite the lack of full strictness in reasoning carried out above, it plays an important role: it indicates to us the possible solution to the problem. It is, as already mentioned, the precise cancellation of unwanted expressions.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\frac {n^m}{n^m}=1$.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\sqrt [k]{1+a/n}=\sqrt [k]{\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }(1+a/n)}=\sqrt [k]{1}=1$, where the first equality follows from the continuity of the “root” function, thanks to which the limit can be moved into the argument.
One of the standard ways of dealing with limits of that kind is to use the so-called “squeeze theorem.” It says that if two sequences b n and c n are found with a common limit g, satisfying the inequality b n ≤ a n ≤ c n for almost all n, then limn→∞a n = g.
Thus, it remains now to choose sequences b n and c n. How can one guess them? Well, they must converge to the common limit, which will also be the limit of the tested sequence a n. Therefore, we should have at least a certain idea of what the value of that limit would be. Finding the answer to this question is our first task.
When looking at a n, one sees that for large n each of the terms behaves as $1/\sqrt {n^2} = 1/n$, and their total number is equal to n. We suspect, therefore, that limn→∞a n =limn→∞n∕n = 1 = g. It remains to strictly demonstrate this.
Finding the above limit is a typical exercise for the application of the squeeze theorem. Just as in the previous example, we have to consider above all whether it is possible to formulate any predictions as to the value of the limit. This is necessary for choosing the two auxiliary sequences, which—as we know—both must converge to it.
In the first exercise of this section, we already encountered the situation where leading terms diverging to infinity canceled, and a finite “remainder” determined the limit. A similar case is dealt with in the present example. Someone might ask where the place for cancellation of infinities is if in our formula for a n’s, there appears no subtraction of any divergent expressions at all. Well, this cancellation results from the periodicity of the sine function. It is true that the argument of this function goes to infinity, but one can always reduce it to the interval [0, 2π[ by subtracting from it the appropriate multiple of the period equal to 2π. For the sine function, then, it is not the value of the argument itself that is important, but rather the remainder after this reduction. This is reflected in our further steps.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\sqrt [n]{|a_n|}<1$, then limn→∞a n = 0.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\sqrt [n]{|a_n|}>1$, then the sequence is divergent.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\sqrt [n]{|a_n|}=1$, this criterion does not determine convergence and the sequence ought to be examined with other methods.
At the beginning of our considerations, Cauchy’s criterion was recalled, but an attentive reader would notice that a particular situation, where $\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\sqrt [n]{|a_n|}$ simply does not exist, was omitted. We are going to come back to this issue (in the context of series) in Exercise 4 of Sect. 13.2.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\left |\frac {a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right |<1$, then limn→∞a n = 0.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\left |\frac {a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right |>1$, the sequence a n is divergent.
$\displaystyle \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\left |\frac {a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right |=1$, this criterion does not determine convergence and the sequence ought to be examined with other methods.
The first one can be rewritten in the form $\left ((n+1)/n\right )^n=(1+1/n)^n$, so its limit is well known (and equal to e).
The second fraction has the limit of 1∕4, which we know already from the first problem in this section.
The last one, in accordance with what has already been stated, does not matter because it goes to 1.
As one can see, the most important element is the ability to choose a suitable criterion to a specific problem. Nothing can supersede here the experience coming from solving multiple problems. It is then easier to recognize in the expression the important elements and those without any influence on the selection of the criterion. In this example, the key elements were undoubtedly factors present in (5.2.27), and certainly not a fraction (n + 1)∕(n + 2).
First, let us concentrate on b n. In the numerator we recognize that in addition to n 3, which runs to infinity, other expressions are bounded. The sine expression is insignificant even with a large amplitude since the whole numerator can be estimated as n 3 ± M, where M is a constant. For the limit of a n, this constant is completely irrelevant, and hence one could write in the numerator n 3 ± 1 or even simply n 3. What could eventually prove to be important is a term behaving as n 2 or worse, but there is no such term in the numerator, unlike the denominator.
Now the question may arise: how do we know that terms such as n 2 (or worse) appearing with n 3 are important, while others can be omitted with impunity? Well, the answer is given by the form of the sequence c n together with the condition (5.2.42). For large n one has c n ≃ n, and a finite limit g in (5.2.42) would be obtained when b n ≃ 1∕n. Since both leading expressions in the numerator and the denominator are of the form n 3, these giving (at the end) finite limit are n 3 ⋅ 1∕n = n 2. In the possible case of vanishing of such terms—which is not the case here—one eventually has to take into account further ones.
The sequence (5.3.1) is defined by a linear recursive equation, which is homogeneous (i.e., without free terms), and the factors multiplying a k are constant numbers. In such a case, we have at our disposal a method, thanks to which not only a limit can be found (in so far as it exists), but also a general formula for an arbitrary sequence member. The only significant complication, which could eventually arise, is related to the possible high degree of the recursive equation to which we are going to return to later.
The idea is the following: let us substitute for the sequence terms a n = λ n, where λ is a certain number other than zero. Now it should be verified if there exists such value of λ, for which the equation is satisfied. For a n chosen in that way, the increase of n simply means multiplying by a constant, and this is, essentially, the sense of the equation (5.3.1).
The equation for a constant λ, similar to (5.3.2), may have a double root λ = λ 0.
The equation for a constant λ may have complex roots.
One need not worry about complex values of lambdas. All calculations can be carried out exactly in the same way, and if all the coefficients in the recursive equation and the initial constants were real, then the final result surely can be written as real. For, starting from two real constants a 0 and a 1 and applying only addition and multiplication by real parameters, as in (5.3.1), one can never come to any complex numbers.
The equation for a constant λ may be of high degree.
If the recurrence is not “by 2,” but for example “by k,” we face the necessity of solving, instead of (5.3.2), an algebraic equation of respectively high order (equal to the degree of the recursive equation). This task can be very difficult and constitutes a separate complex issue. However, if one manages to find all roots, the general solution can be written in the form of (5.3.4) or (5.3.6), in which there will now be k terms and k arbitrary constants. The same will be the number of initial conditions, so all constants will be determined.
Two important observations can easily be made when looking at the picture. If x ∈ [0, 2[, then the graph of the function f is situated below the straight line y = 2 and above y = x. From the former, one sees that substituting any argument from the interval ]0, 2[ never yields a number greater than 2. Since it will also be positive, as a result of recurrence (5.3.11), one again obtains a value in the range ]0, 2[. It can be then concluded that the sequence is bounded above by the number 2.
We prove the boundedness of the sequence.
It is easy to check that under the inductive assumption the expression (a k − 2)∕(a k + 1) is negative. Since f(a k) > 0, then 0 < a k+1 < 2, which was to be shown. The sequence is actually bounded.
We demonstrate the monotonicity of the sequence.
If 0 < a k < 2, which we already know, the factor 3∕(a k + 1) > 1, and then a k+1 > a k. The sequence is increasing.
Now we are going to consider what changes in our reasoning occur if a 0 > 2. Let us again refer to the figure: the graph of the function f in this interval lies above the line y = 2 (i.e., the sequence is bounded below by the number 2) and below the line y = x (i.e., the sequence is decreasing, because f(a n) < a n ). So again, the sequence has to converge and its limit must be the number 2. A strict proof is analogous to that carried out above and one can even use formulas (5.3.14) and (5.3.15). Now, for a k > 2 one has (a k − 2)∕(a k + 1) > 0, and, therefore, also a k+1 > 2. Furthermore 3∕(a k + 1) < 1, and in consequence a k+1 < a k.
Of course not all functions f behave in such a way as shown in the figure. An interesting situation is the case where a sequence is convergent but not monotonic. (This is the case we will look at in the next problem.) In other cases, it may happen that the terms “escape” from the fixed point of a function f. Such a sequence is divergent, unless there is another fixed point somewhere else.
As in the previous example, we start this exercise by drawing the appropriate figure. The function defining the recursion will be plotted—in our example it is the function f(x) = 6∕(2x + 1)—as well as the straight line y = x. It is sufficient to limit oneself to positive values of x. This is because if recurrence starts at a certain a 0 > 0, from the equation (5.4.1), one quickly sees that each subsequent term will be positive too.
The x coordinate of the point of intersection of these two graphs (in our case equal to 3∕2 ), i.e., the fixed point of function f is a candidate for a limit g, which is known from the previous example. If the limit of a n exists, it must be equal to 3∕2.
We separate a n into two subsequences: one with even indexes and one with odd ones. (They are respectively called the even-numbered sequence and the odd-numbered sequence.)
For each subsequence, the recursive formula with a certain new function $\tilde {f}$ is written down.
It is proved that each of these subsequences is monotonic and bounded, and hence convergent.
The limits of both subsequences are fixed points of the relevant functions. Both these limits are next verified to be identical.
Since both subsequences “consume” all the terms of a n, their possible common limit will be the limit of the sequence a n.
At this point, one still has to explain the adopted assumption 0 < a 0 < 3∕2. Well, if one took a 0 > 3∕2, then in the first step of the recursion one would just get 0 < a 1 < 3∕2. So all one has to do in this case is to discard the first term with no impact on the limit, and one returns to the sequence considered here. In turn, the value a 0 = 3∕2 leads to the trivial constant sequence.
We prove the boundedness.
It is clear that under the inductive assumption, the second component is negative, and, therefore, a 2k+2 < 3∕2. Of course a 2k+2 is positive too, which was mentioned at the beginning. It follows that the even-numbered subsequence is in fact bounded.
We demonstrate the monotonicity.
For 0 < a 2k < 3∕2, which has already been shown, the numerator of the fraction is positive, and, therefore, the entire expression in brackets is larger than 1. Thus, a 2k+2 > a 2k, i.e., the even-numbered subsequence is increasing.
From the inequality |a n+1 − 1|≥|a n − 1|, it follows, therefore, that the sequence cannot have the limit equal to 1. This number “repels” the subsequent terms as is shown in the figure. As discussed previously, other limits of the sequence a n cannot exist. It is then a divergent sequence (for a 0 ≠ 1).
The experience gained in the previous example tells us immediately that the sequence (5.5.17) should be divergent. One sees in fact that a n is in the form of the product of b n = n∕(2n + 1) whose limit is not zero, but the number 1∕2, and of the oscillating factor $\sin \left (2\pi n/3\right )$. If so, one should be able to indicate at least two subsequences convergent to different limits. What guides us while choosing these subsequences? Well, as in the previous example, one would like to get rid of the oscillating factor because only then the subsequent will be convergent.
$a_n=\sqrt [3]{n^2+n}-\sqrt [3]{n^2+1}$.
$\displaystyle a_n=\frac {\sqrt {n^2+a\,n+1}-\sqrt {n^2+b\,n+2}}{\sqrt {n^2+c\,n+3}-\sqrt {n^2+d\,n+4}}$ , where a, b, c, d > 0.
Convergent, limit equal to 0.
Convergent, limit equal to (a − b)∕(c − d).
$\displaystyle a_n=\frac {1}{\sqrt {n^4+1}}+\frac {1}{\sqrt {n^4+2}}+\ldots +\frac {1}{\sqrt {n^4+n^2}}$.
$\displaystyle a_n=\left (\frac {n+1}{n\sqrt [n]{2}}\right )^{n^2} ,\;\;\;\; b_n=\frac {5^n n!}{(2n)^n}$.
$\displaystyle a_n =\sin {}(\pi \sqrt {n^2+2n+2}) ,\;\;\;\; b_n=\cos {}(\pi \sqrt {n^2+2n+2})$.
$\displaystyle a_n=\frac {1}{(n+1)!}\, (1\cdot 1!+2\cdot 2!+\ldots +n\cdot n!)$.
$\displaystyle a_n=\left (\frac {\sqrt {n+1}+3}{\sqrt {n}+3}\right )^{n^2/(n+1)} ,\;\;\;\; b_n=\left (\cos \frac {\pi }{\sqrt {n}}\right )^n$.
Convergent, limit equal to 1.
a n divergent; b n convergent, limit equal to 0.
a n convergent, limit equal to 0; b n divergent.
Convergent, limit equal to 1.
a n convergent, limit equal to $\sqrt {e}$; b n convergent, limit equal to $e^{-\pi ^2/2}$.
$\displaystyle a_{n+2}=\frac {1}{4}\, (a_{n+1}+3a_n)$, for $\displaystyle a_1=-\frac {3}{2}$ and $\displaystyle a_2=\frac {9}{8}$.
$\displaystyle a_{n+1}=\frac {1}{2}\left (a_n+\frac {1}{a_n}\right )$, where a 1 > 0.
$\displaystyle a_{n+1}=\frac {8}{2+a_n}$, where a 1 > 1.
$\displaystyle a_{n+1}=\frac {1}{a_n^2}$, where a 1 > 0 and a 1 ≠ 1.
Convergent, limit equal to 0.
Convergent, limit equal to 1.
Convergent, limit equal to 2.