$\def\|{\mmlToken{mo}[stretchy="false"]‖}$ Let $X$ be a real Banach space with norm $\|⋅\|$. [You may use without proof any standard results on Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces and operators between them.]

Let $W:=\{w=(x, y) ∣ x, y ∈ X\}$ and equip $W$ with the norm \[ \|(x, y)\|=(\|x\|^2+\|y\|^2)^{1 / 2} \] so that $W$ is also a Banach space. Show that a sequence $(w_n=(x_n, y_n)) ⊂ W$ converges weakly in $W$ if and only if $(x_n)$ and $(y_n)$ converge weakly in $X$.

Let $P_1, P_2: W → X$ be the projection from $W$ onto the first and the second factor $X$ of $W$, which are clearly continuous.
Suppose $(w_n)$ converges weakly in $W$ to some $w=(x, y)$ and let $ℓ ∈ X^*$. Consider $\tilde{ℓ}(\tilde{w})=ℓ(P_1 \tilde{w})$. Clearly $\|\tilde{ℓ}(\tilde{w})\| ⩽\|ℓ\|_*\|P_1\|\|\tilde{w}\|$ and so $\tilde{ℓ} ∈ W^*$. Hence $ℓ(x_n)=\tilde{ℓ}(w_n) → \tilde{ℓ}(w)=ℓ(x)$. This means that $x_n ⇀ x$ in $X$. Likewise $y_n ⇀ y$ in $X$.
Conversely, suppose that $x_n ⇀ x$ and $y_n ⇀ y$ in $X$, respectively. Let $\tilde{ℓ} ∈W^*$. Then $\tilde{ℓ}(w_n)=\tilde{ℓ}(x_n, 0)+\tilde{ℓ}(0, y_n)$. Since the maps $z ↦ \tilde{ℓ}(z, 0)$ and $z ↦ \tilde{ℓ}(0, z)$ belong to $X^*$, we then have by the weak convergence of $(x_n)$ and $(y_n)$ that $\tilde{ℓ}(w_n) →\tilde{ℓ}(x, 0)+\tilde{ℓ}(0, y)=\tilde{ℓ}(w)$. We thus have that $w_n ⇀ w$ in $W$.
In the rest of this question, let $Z$ be a subspace of $X$ and suppose $A: Z → X$ is a (possibly unbounded) linear map such that \[ \text{ if }(z_n) ⊂ Z, z ∈ Z \text{ and } z_n ⇀ z \text{ in } X \text{, then } A z_n ⇀ A z \text{ in } X, \] and let \[ \|z\|_A:=(\|z\|^2+\|A z\|^2)^{1 / 2} \text{ for } z ∈ Z . \]

Takeaway: weak convergence in a cloesd subspace $Z$ is equivalent to weak convergence in $X$.

Suppose that the norm $\|⋅\|$ on $X$ comes from an inner product $⟨⋅, ⋅⟩$ so that $X$ is a Hilbert space. Suppose also that $(Z,\|⋅\|_A)$ is complete. Show that a linear map $ℓ: Z → ℝ$ belongs to the dual of $(Z,\|⋅\|_A)$ if and only if there exists $\tilde{z} ∈ Z$ such that \[ ℓ(z)=⟨z, \tilde{z}⟩+⟨A z, A \tilde{z}⟩ \text{ for all } z ∈ Z \text{. } \]

Inner product is a symmetric bilinear form such that $∀x, ⟨x, x⟩ ≥ 0$ and if $x ≠ 0$, then $⟨x, x⟩ > 0$.
It is routine to checked that $Z$ equipped with the inner product \[ ⟨z_1, z_2⟩_A:=⟨z_1, z_2⟩+⟨A z_1, A z_2⟩ \] is a Hilbert space.
(⇐) ${|ℓ(z)|}≤{|⟨z, \tilde{z}⟩|}+{|⟨A z, A \tilde{z}⟩|}≤\sqrt2\sqrt{{|⟨z, \tilde{z}⟩|}^2+{|⟨A z, A \tilde{z}⟩|}^2}=\|z\|_A$
(⇒) part follows from Riesz representation theorem.