1. Let $K$ be a finite field. Show that there exists a positive integer $d$ and a prime number $p$ such that ${|K|}=p^{d}$. Hint: what is the prime subfield of $K$ ?
    Solution. The field $K$ contains the image of ℤ by the unique map of rings $ϕ: ℤ → K$ sending $1_{ℤ}$ to $1_{K}$. The image of $ϕ$ is a domain (since it is contained in a field) and hence $\ker(ϕ)$ is a prime ideal. Hence the image of $ϕ$ is isomorphic to $𝔽_{p}=ℤ/p ℤ$ for some prime number $p$ (because the prime ideals of $ℤ$ are all of the of the form $(p)$ for some prime number $p$ - see Rings and Modules). Hence we may view $K$ as a $𝔽_{p}$-vector space. Furthermore, $K$ is a finite-dimensional $𝔽_{p}$-vector space since it is a finite set. We conclude that there is an isomorphism of $𝔽_{p}$-vector spaces $K ≃ 𝔽_{p}^{d}$ for some $d ≥ 1$. Hence we have $\# K=p^{d}$ for some $d ≥ 1$.
  2. Factorise $f(x)=x^{6}+x^{3}+1$ into irreducible factors over $K$ for each of $K=𝔽_{2}, 𝔽_{3}, 𝔽_{19}, ℚ$.
    Calculate the formal derivative $D f$. Over which of these fields $K$ do the irreducible factors of $f$ have distinct roots in any splitting field for $f$ ?
    Solution. For the rest of the exercise, we shall need the
    Lemma. Let $𝔽_{p}$ be a finite field and let $P(x) ∈ 𝔽_{p}[x]$ be an irreducible polynomial. Then $P(x)$ is separable. In particular, any finite extension of a finite field is separable.
    Proof. Let $𝔽≔𝔽_{p}[x]/(P(x))$. Let $α≔x\pmod{P(x)}∈ 𝔽$. The map $\text{Frob}: 𝔽 → 𝔽$ such that $\operatorname{Frob}(y)=y^{p}$ is a map of rings (see Sheet 1, solution to Q6). The map Frob is injective because if $y^{p}=0$ then $y=0$ (since 𝔽 is a field, in particular a domain). The map Frob is also surjective, because its image has the same cardinality as 𝔽 (because Frob is injective). Hence Frob defines a permutation of the elements of 𝔽 and in particular Frob has a finite order $c$ in the group of permutations of 𝔽 (because this group is finite). In particular $α^{p^{c}}=α$. Since $P(x)$ is the minimal polynomial of $α$, we thus have $P(x) ∣ x^{p^{c}}-x$. Now $x^{p^{c}}-x$ is a separable polynomial, because $\left(x^{p^{c}}-x, D\left(x^{p^{c}}-x\right)\right)=\left(x^{p^{c}}-x,-1\right)=(1)$. Hence $P(x)$ is also separable.
    From the lemma we conclude that over $𝔽_{2}, 𝔽_{3}, 𝔽_{19}$, the irreducible factors of $f(x)$ have no repeated roots in any splitting field of $f(x)$.
    Any finite extension of ℚ is separable (see before Def. 3.7 in the notes) so the same is true over ℚ.
  3. Show that if $f$ is a polynomial of degree $n$ over $K$, then its splitting field has degree less than or equal to $n!$ over $K$.
    Solution. By induction on $n$. The statement clearly holds if $n=1$. Let $P(x)$ be an irreducible factor of $f(x)$ and $L≔K[x]/(P(x))$. Let $α≔x\pmod{P(x)}∈ L$. Let $Q(x)=f(x)/(x-α) ∈ L[x]$. Let $M$ be a splitting field of $Q(x)$ over $L$. Then $M$ is a splitting field of $f(x)$ because $f(x)$ splits over $M$ and is generated over $K$ by the roots of $f(x)$ in $M$. Applying the inductive hypothesis, we see that $[M: L] ≤(n-1)!$. Applying the tower law, we see that $[M: K] ≤ n !$.
    Note that the solution of Q3 follows the construction of the splitting field given in Th. 3.13 (a) in the notes.
  4. Find the degrees of the splitting fields of the following polynomials. Solution.
  5. Let $L=ℚ\left(2^{1/3}, 3^{1/4}\right)$. Compute the degree of $L$ over ℚ.
    Solution. Notice that $L$ contains $ℚ\left(2^{1/3}\right)$, which is of degree 3 over ℚ (because $x^{3}-2$ is irreducible by Eisenstein's criterion). The field $L$ also contains $ℚ\left(3^{1/4}\right)$, which is of degree 4 over ℚ by a similar reasoning. Hence, by the tower law, the degree of $ℚ\left(2^{1/3}, 3^{1/4}\right)$ over ℚ is divisible by 3 and by 4, hence by 12. On the hand, the degree of $ℚ\left(2^{1/3}, 3^{1/4}\right)$ over ℚ is smaller than 12, because the degree of $ℚ\left(2^{1/3}, 3^{1/4}\right)$ over $ℚ\left(2^{1/3}\right)$ is smaller or equal to 4. Hence $\left[ℚ\left(2^{1/3}, 3^{1/4}\right): ℚ\right]=12$.
  6. Recall that $α ∈ ℂ$ is algebraic over ℚ if $α$ satisfies a (monic) polynomial over ℚ, equivalently if $[ℚ(α): ℚ]<∞$. Let $$ 𝔸=\{α ∈ ℂ: α \text{ is algebraic over } ℚ\} $$ Solution. Note. One usually writes $\overline{ℚ}$ for 𝔸. One can show that 𝔸 is algebraically closed (ie. every polynomial with coefficients in 𝔸 splits).
  7. Which of the following fields are normal extensions of ℚ ? Solution.