1. Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix over $\mathbb{C}$. Use triangular form to show that the trace of $A$ equals the sum of the eigenvalues, where a multiplicity $m$ eigenvalue is counted $m$ times. Show also that an analogous statement holds for the determinant and the product of the eigenvalues.
    By Corollary 4.6. and ℂ is an algebraically closed field, $A$ is conjugate to an upper triangular matrix $B$. Let the eigenvalues of $A$ be $x_1,…,x_n$. Then $x_1,…,x_n$ are the diagonal entries of $B$. So $\operatorname{tr}A=\operatorname{tr}B=x_1+⋯+x_n$ and $\det A=\det B=x_1⋯x_n$.
  2. Calculate the minimum and characteristic polynomials of the following matrices $$ A=\pmatrix{ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ -9 & -4 & 1 \\ -3 & 3 & 2 },\pmatrix{ -2 & -3 & -3 \\ -1 & 0 & -1 \\ 0 & 1 & -1 },\pmatrix{ 2 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 2 } $$ Solution. [Proposition 5.3 in notes]
  3. (a) Find two $2 \times 2$ matrices over $\mathbb{R}$ which have the same characteristic polynomial but which are not conjugate.
    (b) Find two $3 \times 3$ matrices over $\mathbb{R}$ which have the same minimal polynomial but which are not conjugate.
    (c) Find two $4 \times 4$ matrices over $\mathbb{R}$ which have the same minimal polynomial and the same characteristic polynomial, but which are not conjugate.
    (d) What is the smallest value of $n$ for which there are two non-conjugate $n \times n$ matrices which have the same minimum and characteristic polynomials and eigenspaces of equal dimension?
  4. Let $T: V → V$ be a nilpotent linear map. Show that we have strict inclusions $$ \{0\}<\ker T<\ker\left(T^2\right)<… $$ Proof.
    Since $T$ is nilpotent, the minimal polynomial of $T$ is $T^m$ for some $m∈ℕ$, then $\ker(T^k)=V$ iff $k≥m$.
    If \(v\in \ker T^k\) then \(T^k(v)=0\) so that \(T^{k+1}(v)=T(T^k(v))=T(0)=0\). Thus \(v\in \ker T^{k+1}\). Therefore $\ker T^k≤\ker T^{k+1}$.
    Now suppose that \(\ker T^k=\ker T^{k+1}\) and induct to prove that \(\ker T^k=\ker T^{k+n}\), for \(n∈ℕ\).
    We already have the \(n=1\) case by assumption, so suppose \(\ker T^k=\ker T^{k+n}\), for some \(n\) and let \(v\in\ker T^{k+n+1}\).
    Then $0=T^{k+n+1}(v)=T^{k+1}(T^n(v))$, so that \(T^n(v)\in \ker T^{k+1}=\ker T^k\). Thus \(T^{n+k}(v)=0\) and \(v\in \ker T^{n+k}=\ker T^k\) by the induction hypothesis.
    Induction now tells us that \(\ker T^k=\ker T^{k+n},∀n∈ℕ\). Then $\ker T^k=V$. So $k≥m$ by minimality of $m$.
    Alternate Proof: In notes we proved \[\dim(\ker(T^{i+1}))-\dim(\ker(T^i))≤\dim(\ker(T^i))-\dim(\ker(T^{i-1}))\]
  5. Decide whether or not the matrix $$B=\pmatrix{1 & 6 \\3 & 5}$$ can be diagonalised over the field
    (i) ℝ
    (ii) ℂ
    (iii) ℚ
    (iv) a field of characteristic 2 (i.e. $1+1=0$)
    (v) the field 𝔽7 of integers modulo 7.
    $χ_B(x)=-13 - 6 x + x^2$. By Proposition 5.3, $m_B(x)=-13-6x+x^2=(3+\sqrt{22}-x)(3-\sqrt{22}-x)$.
    (i)(ii) $B$ has 2 distinct eigenvalues, so is diagonalisable.
    (iii) $-13-6x+x^2$ is irreducible, so $m_B(x)$ doesn't split, so $B$ is not even triangularisable.
    (iv) $B=\pmatrix{1&0\\1&1}$, so $B-I=\pmatrix{0&0\\1&0}$. Eigenspace $⟨(0,1)⟩$ is of dimension 1, so $B$ is not diagonalisable.
    (v) $χ_B(x)=15+8x+x^2⇒B$ has 2 distinct eigenvalues $-3,-5$, so is diagonalisable.
    Wolfram Language code: Factor[-13 - 6 x + x^2, Modulus -> 7]
    No finite field is algebraically closed
  6. Is the matrix $$ B=\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0 & -1 \\ 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \end{array}\right) $$ diagonalisable over $ℂ,ℝ$ or $𝔽_3$ ?
    $χ_B(x)=-1-x^3$. By Proposition 5.3, $m_B(x)=1+x^3=(1+x)\big((-1)^{1/3} - x\big)\big((-1)^{2/3} - x\big)$.
    Over ℂ, $B$ has 3 distinct eigenvalues, so it is diagonalisable.
    Over ℝ, $1-x+x^2$ is irreducible, so $m_B(x)$ doesn't split, so $B$ is not even triangularisable.
    Over $𝔽_3$, $m_B(x)=(1+x)^3$, so $B$ is triangularisable but not diagonalisable. $$P=\begin{pmatrix}1&0&0\\0&1&0\\1&0&1\end{pmatrix}\qquad P^{-1}BP=\begin{pmatrix}-1&0&-1\\0&-1&0\\0&0&-1\end{pmatrix}$$
Some matrices with real entries which are not diagonalizable over ℝ are diagonalizable over the complex numbers ℂ. For instance $\left(\begin{smallmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{smallmatrix}\right)$ has $λ^2+1$ as characteristic polynomial. This polynomial doesn’t factor over the reals, but over ℂ it does. Its roots are $λ=±i$. Interpreting the matrix as a linear transformation $ℂ^2→ℂ^2$, it has eigenvalues $i$ and $-i$ and linearly independent eigenvectors $(1,-i),(-i,1)$. So we can diagonalize $A$:$$A=\left(\begin{array}{cc}0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & -i \\ -i & 1\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}i & 0 \\ 0 & -i\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}\frac12 & \frac i2 \\ \frac i2 & \frac12\end{array}\right)$$ But there exist real matrices which aren’t diagonalizable even if complex eigenvectors and eigenvalues are allowed. For example $\pmatrix{0&1\\0&0}$. In fact, the characteristic polynomial is $λ^2$ and it has only one double root $λ=0$. However the eigenspace corresponding to the 0 eigenvalue has dimension 1.\[B\pmatrix{v_1\\v_2}=\pmatrix{0\\0}⇔v_2=0\] and thus the eigenspace is $\ker(B)=\operatorname{span}_ℂ\{(1,0)^{\sf T}\}$, with only one dimension.
Let $A∈M_n,A^k = 0,A^{k-1}≠0$. Prove that $k≤\operatorname{rank}(A)+1$. aops
Assume $A$ is in Jordan form, so $A=S_{m_1}⊕S_{m_2}⋯⊕S_{m_t}$, where $S_{m_i}$ is a Jordan block of size $m_i$ with zeros along diagonal, and $m_1 + m_2 +⋯+ m_t = n$. Each $S_{m_i}$ contributes $m_i - 1$ to the rank, so $\operatorname{rank}(A) = (m_1 - 1) + (m_2 - 1) + ⋯ + (m_t - 1)$. Now since the index of nilpotency is $k$, we know that at least one $m_i = k$, so $\operatorname{rank}(A)≥k-1$. Equality holds when $t=1$, i.e., when $n=k$.